In March 2022, an epic adventure unfolded for world-renowned professional enduro mountain biker Kilian Bron – a Frenchman hailing from Annecy in the Alps – and a team of cameramen, documentary makers, photographers and drone operators. Kilian is considered one of the most talented mountain bikers in the world; he […]
“The announcement that Machu Picchu, the country’s most popular tourism site and one of South America’s bucket-list destinations, is to reopen is as sweet as pan-pipe music to tour firms” – The Telegraph After a brief closure due to local protests, we are happy to share the news that […]
‘Colour is a power which directly influences the soul’ – Wassily Kandinsky Art, colour, heart and soul are the key ingredients at Sol y Luna, our Relais & Chateaux hotel in Urubamba, Peru. Each casita (little house) is decorated inside and out with vibrant colours and original art. Living […]
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient Incas on a horseback or mountain bike adventure through Peru’s Sacred Valley The wonders of the ancient Inca civilisation are, for most visitors, one of the most exciting aspects of a journey through Peru. Along with the famous ruins of Inca Citadel of […]
“All the food is art. It’s a canvas of Peru”. When award-winning British author Natasha Pulley visited Peru, she let her taste buds lead the way. Her trip was built around a simple philosophy, as she explains in the UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper. “One of the best ways to start […]
The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories ~ Og Mandino Family-owned and run, built to support underprivileged local children, set in 25-acres of gardens with native flowers and a ranch… it may come as no surprise that we love receiving children at Hotel Sol y […]