In March 2022, an epic adventure unfolded for world-renowned professional enduro mountain biker Kilian Bron – a Frenchman hailing from Annecy in the Alps – and a team of cameramen, documentary makers, photographers and drone operators. Kilian is considered one of the most talented mountain bikers in the world; he […]
In August, Sol y Luna played host to the first ever gathering of Relais & Chateaux chefs from Central and South America. A temperance of chefs 23 chefs from as far as the jungles of Iguazu, the deserts of the Atacama, the grasslands of Argentina and the waters of the […]
“All the food is art. It’s a canvas of Peru”. When award-winning British author Natasha Pulley visited Peru, she let her taste buds lead the way. Her trip was built around a simple philosophy, as she explains in the UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper. “One of the best ways to start […]